Eye care must in front of computer

Early degeneration of optic nerve is found in people who are sitting for more than 8 to 10 hours in front of computer according to a recent study carried out in private medical college in Hyderabad.

The study which was carried out on 150 people found that 58 males and 12 females had high intraocular pressure in the eyes in relation to the use of computers. Intraocular pressure is the fluid pressure inside the eye due to the presence of aqueous humor in the eye. The normal range of IOP is 10 to 20 mm of Hg and is maintained at this level throughout life in both the sexes.

With constant use of computers it is found that the risk of rising IOP gradually causes damage to the optic nerve. The researchers found that cornea adapts to changing pressure slowly without swelling and there are no symptoms visible. In the study, it was found that the higher the usage of computers or mobile gadgets the damage to the optic nerve increases. This was because the eyes are constantly focusing on one object or screen for a long period of time. The normal blinking process is also hampered and this causes dryness in the eyes.

Dr B Sridhar, senior ophthalmologist explained, “Focusing on one object requires the eye to accommodate properly. This affects the lens and also its diameter changes pushing the iris which is a temporary hindrance. But as the activity continues for hours together, the IOP slowly rises and slowly damages the nerves.”

There are people who complain of black spots called scotomas which appear in the field of vision. This is a cause of concern, say ophthalmologists. Based on the values of IOP’s in the identified people the right and left eyes were compared and it was found that it was more in the left eye. The study concluded that elevated pressure in young adults is a cause of worry and longer exposure to screens is increasing the possibility of damage to the optic nerve. Hence relaxation techniques, practicing yoga for the eyes and also using simple methods of gazing away from the screen at far-away objects must be inculcated.


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