Reasons Your Belly Fat Is Not Going Away

Lose the pudge A little bit of belly fat is actually good for you: it protects your stomach, intestines, and other delicate organs. But too much fat is anything but healthy. Extra fat cells deep in your abdomen (aka visceral fat) generate adipose hormones and adipokines—chemical troublemakers that travel to your blood vessels and organs, where they cause inflammation that can contribute to problems like heart disease and diabetes. The good news? Every pound you shed can help reduce your girth. "Once women start losing weight, they typically lose 30% more abdominal fat compared with total fat," says Rasa Kazlauskaite, MD, an endocrinologist at the Rush University Prevention Center in Chicago. Even better, the choices you make every day can supercharge your ability to burn belly fat. Here are 10 common pitfalls—and ways to undo each one.

You are on a low-fat diet - To shed belly fat, it's good to eat fat—specifically monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs). When researchers in one study asked women to switch to a 1,600-calorie, high-MUFA diet, they lost a third of their belly fat in a month. MUFAs are satiating, so they help you eat fewer poor-quality foods, says David Katz, MD, director of the Yale Prevention Research Center. Belly blaster: Have a serving of MUFAs—like a handful of nuts, a tablespoon of olive oil, or a quarter of an avocado with every meal and snack.

You have been feeling blue for a while Women with depressive symptoms were far more likely to have extra belly fat, found a recent Rush University Medical Center study. That may be because depression is linked to reduced physical activity and poor eating habits. Belly blaster: Exercise! It improves levels of brain chemicals that regulate metabolism of fat, as well as your mood," Dr. Kazlauskaite says. This enhances your motivation to do other things that help ward off depression, like seeing friends. But if you're so bummed out that you don't want to do things you used to enjoy, it's time to seek the help of a therapist.

Your food comes from a box Simple carbs and added sugar cause your blood sugar to spike, which triggers a flood of insulin—a hormone that encourages your liver to store fat in your middle. Belly blaster: Instead of focusing on cutting out junk, center your efforts on adding in healthy fare (think extra servings of vegetables at each meal). As Dr. Katz says, Filling your tank with high-quality fuel thwarts hunger.

You're skimping on the miracle mineral - Magnesium regulates more than 300 functions in the body. No surprise, then, that a 2013 study found that people who consumed more of it had lower blood sugar and insulin levels. Belly blaster: At least twice a day, reach for magnesium-rich foods such as dark leafy greens, bananas, and soybeans.


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