
Showing posts from April, 2017

7 Foods You Really Should Avoid If You Have An Acidity Problem

Continuous burping, hiccups that just don’t let up, nausea, and bloating – these are just a few of the many problems you can expect if you suffer from acidity. Most of us view acidity as an annoyance and not a health issue, which is why we don’t do anything about it. At the most, we pop an antacid tablet when the belly rumbling gets a little too loud! The simplest way to get rid of acidity issues is to avoid foods that cause severe acidity. Foods That Cause Severe Acidity: Acidity or heartburn is the result of stomach acids moving up through the esophagus and this can cause a chronic dry cough and damage your vocal cords, also increasing the risk of esophageal cancer. People with acidity problems have a 57% higher risk of experiencing a heart attack. Lifestyle changes, especially diet can stop acidity problems and prevent future attacks. Avoiding foods that cause acidity is the most important aspect of any diet plan for acidity. 1. Spicy Food: “Spices contain irri

7 Neat Hacks To Protect Yourself From Food Poisoning This Summer

As if the sweltering heat weren’t bad enough, summer is also the time when you are most likely to pick up a stomach bug. The heat and humidity of summer promotes the growth of bacteria, which means that your food can go bad in a matter of hours. This is why it is important to take additional food safety precautions in summer and prevent food poisoning; imagine running up a temperature in this heat! Prevent Summer Food Poisoning There are a few precautions that you can take to make sure that you are protected from food poisoning this summer. 1. Avoid All Non-Veg Street Food: “Non veg food spoils very easily in summer & obviously roadside hawkers can’t refrigerate the meat they use” As you trudge home after a long work day, only to be greeted with the intoxicating aroma of kheema pav, kebabs, and bhurji, you feel like nothing could be more comforting than a quick bite. Don’t even think about it! Non veg food spoils very easily in summer and obviously, roadside

Is Green Tea A Superfood That Boosts Immunity Or Is It Just Marketing Hype?

Green tea has become increasingly popular and we wouldn’t blame you for being skeptical about its alleged health benefits. After all, the media and the market seem to produce new fads by the day! However, there are plenty of scientific studies and research programs that prove that green tea really does offer plenty of healthy benefits, from lowering the risk of heart disease to reducing cholesterol and blood sugar levels. In addition to this, there are several claims that green tea can also boost immunity. But is there any evidence to back up such a tall claim? How Green Tea Improves Immunity: “The three main immune-boosting compounds in green tea are catechins, EGCG, & Alkylamines” Green tea contains a wide variety of bioactive components including catechin compounds, fluoride, flavonoids, theaflavins, and tannins. While we still do not fully understand the roles played by each of these compounds, scientists have been able to identify some of the compounds in gree

What Really Happens When You Hold Your Poop In For Too Long?

As much as you may hate to admit it, managing to pass a good bowel movement is one of the best feelings in the world. Unfortunately, the urge to poop can strike at the oddest of times – just when you’re getting late for work, or even worse, in the middle of your first date with the hottie you’ve had a crush on, since forever. Of course, in times like these, we do what any sensible person would do – hold it in till we can squeeze in some throne-time later. Unfortunately, by doing this, we may actually be doing way more harm than good. Here’s why holding that poop in for a long time is an extremely bad idea!   What Happens When You Hold It In: “Poop is your body’s natural way to get rid of wastes & toxins, ignoring the urge to poop can carry dire consequences if done frequently” Poop is a mixture of water, food, other waste materials and a bit of bacteria to top it all. It is one of nature’s ways to get rid of the wastes and toxins that your body doesn’t quite need.

Intake of Basil leaves in pregnancy, avoid many diseases

Basil is found in every house. Medicinal properties are hidden in it. Many types of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients are found in the system, due to which it is beneficial to use in pregnancy. If there is an intake of basil in pregnancy, many types of diseases and infections can be avoided. 1-Tulsi contains plenty of vitamin K which helps to free blood clots. If the pregnant woman consumes 2-3 leaves of Tulsi everyday by the rule, then the lack of blood in the body of the pregnant woman is removed. 2-Tulsi consumption: tulsi are very beneficial for the babies who are in the womb. In abundance, vitamin A is present in abundance which is good for the development of the child. With this, the use of basil is the child's nerve The system is fully developed. the 3- The magnesium found in Tulsi strengthens the bones of the child in the womb. 4- Often, women are prone to bleeding after delivery, due to which there may be possibility of anemia. Later, if you consume basil

If It’s Not Calcium Deficiency, Why Do We Get White Spots On Our Nails?

Those white spots on your nails are because you don’t drink your milk’ – Indian parents are pros at getting their kids to eat healthy! They even give us seemingly scientific reasons – ‘these spots appear because we don’t have enough calcium and since milk is rich in calcium, if we drink our milk, we won’t get these spots.’ But like most mumisms, this warning is a little skewed; white spots on your nails can be caused by nutritional deficiencies, but they are NOT caused by low levels of calcium. So, here are some of the scientifically proven reasons for white spots on nails. Why Do We Get White Spots On Our Nails? The first thing you should know is that these white spots are just a discoloration of the nail and are harmless. While the spots are not harmful, they can indicate an underlying problem, such as a mineral deficiency or even that you hit the bottle a little too often! Iron or Zinc Deficiency “An iron or zinc deficiency can cause white spots on the nails, especi

A glass of beetroot juice is the biggest boost you need after exercise. Here’s why

Several studies have demonstrated that beetroots increase blood flow to the brain, boost stamina, and combat hypertension among older people suffering from heart disease. According to a new American study, beetroot juice followed by exercise can do much to improve blood flow to ageing brains. Just like physical exercise, beetroot has already been identified as a source of health benefits. Several studies have demonstrated that it can increase blood flow to the brain, boost stamina, and combat hypertension among older people suffering from heart disease. Now a new study conducted by researchers from Wake Forest University in North Carolina has broken new ground by revealing the beneficial effect of beetroot juice on the brains of older people who drank it before exercising. For the purposes of the study, researchers recruited 26 hypertension sufferers aged 55 over, who did not partake in physical exercise, and who took at least two drugs to regulate their condition. Three t

Women who have higher waist to hip ratio 'increase cancer risk by 21%'

Women who have a higher waist to hip ratio face an increased risk of womb cancer, a study suggests. Researchers found that for every 0.1 unit increase in the ratio between waist and hip, the risk of getting the disease jumped by 21%. Nearly 10,000 women are diagnosed with the disease - also called uterine cancer and endometrial cancer - every year in the UK. Experts from the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF), which part-funded the study, said the results showed a strong relationship between cancer and carrying extra weight around the waist. Women can work out their waist to hip ratio by dividing their waist circumference by their hip measurement. A woman with a ratio of 0.7 which then increased to 0.8 would have a 21% greater risk of developing womb cancer, the study suggests. An extra 0.1 increase would raise that risk even further. A ratio above 0.85 for women or 0.90 for men is a sign of obesity. Maintaining a healthy weight is one of the best ways to ward of

What is the ideal bust size? Both men and women think bigger is better

Americans and Europeans — both men and women — believe that a C cup is the ideal bust size, according to an international survey undertaken by the medical teleconsultation website Zava. More generally, men and women prefer bigger cup sizes, namely C, D, and DD. Over six out of ten women (60.4%) said that their ideal bust size is a C cup, compared with just over one in two men (53.6%). Overall, this mid-sized cup is popular with both men and women, in both Europe and the US. Note, however, that 35.3% of men prefer a D cup, compared with 30.5% of women. Poland and Hungary differ from other European countries in that they view a B cup as the ideal bust size. Is this ideal size in sync with reality? Fortunately, the survey reveals that the British, Belgians and French have an ideal which matches reality, meaning it’s in sync with the average stated bust size. For the other countries, namely Austria, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and the US, rea

Female Body Types Explained: How to Go From Endomorph to Hourglass

How to Go From Endomorph to Hourglass appeared first on Love Karma Passion. Endomorph women are usually short with soft, round bodies. Blessed with thick arms and strong legs, endomorphs take to leg exercises like the squat naturally. Endomorph women who want to get an hourglass figure find their bodies difficult to enhance and maintain because they gain fat very easily. Achieving an hourglass body is a matter of increasing metabolic rate. As the human body’s appearance is approximately 30% exercise and 70% diet, endomorph women must adhere to strict nutritional habits to control their weight. Every calorie must be carefully scrutinized to ensure it’s dense in nutrients that support their desire to maintain a banging body. “From a metabolic perspective, the endomorph body type sometimes has varying degrees of carbohydrate sensitivity and insulin resistance,” says fitness expert Tom Venuto. “If someone is metabolically carbohydrate intolerant due to a genetic tendency, the

20 Powerful Reasons to Eat Bananas

These 20 ways to use and eat bananas will blow your mind! 1.Bananas help overcome depression due to high levels of tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin -- the happy-mood brain neurotransmitter. 2.Eat two bananas before a strenuous workout to pack an energy punch and sustain your blood sugar. 3.Protect against muscle cramps during workouts and night time leg cramps by eating a banana. 4.Counteract calcium loss during urination and build strong bones by supplementing with a banana. 5.Improve your mood and reduce PMS symptoms by eating a banana, which regulates blood sugar and produces stress-relieving relaxation. 6.Bananas reduce swelling, protect against type II diabetes, aid weight loss, strengthen the nervous system, and help with the production of white blood cells, all due to high levels of vitamin B-6. 7.Strengthen your blood and relieve anemia with the added iron from bananas. 8.High in potassium and low in salt, bananas are officially recognized

5 reasons why you should drink coconut water regularly

It is not only the delicate sweetness and fresh taste of coconut that make it an instant cheer-up drink. Coconut water is also a perfect way to escape the heat in summers. However, calling it just a refreshing drink or summer escape is a bit understatement. Coconut water is a great natural electrolyte and contains a high amount of potassium and low carbohydrates. Many health experts claim that it is superior to conventional sports drinks and is the richest natural source of potassium and sodium. It contains around 4.5% carbohydrates, while typical sports drinks contain a 6%-8% carbohydrate concentration. There are several other benefits of drinking coconut water. But before explaining you benefits of coconut water, check out its nutritional value below: Carbohydrate: 9 grams Sugar: 9 grams Magnesium: 15 percent of the daily value (DV) Potassium: 17 percent DV Sodium: 10 percent DV Calcium: 6 percent DV Vitamin C: 10 percent DV Dietary fiber: Over 10 percent DV He

Why you really should take your shoes off in the house: The soles are infested with diarrhoea-causing bugs

Trainers are full of potentially lethal bugs that have been picked up on travels These can multiply and spread on carpets on floors when they are walked on Just touching the infected surface could land someone with the stomach bug Not taking your shoes off before entering someone's house is a notoriously bad habit. But new research suggests that those guests who keep their trainers on aren't only just showing a lack of respect. In fact, researchers at the University of Houston claim that they could be putting you at risk of diarrhoea. Shoes are packed full of harmful bacteria picked up as people travel and these can multiply and spread on carpets and floors. And just touching the infected surface could land you on the toilet for a couple of hours with the embarrassing stomach bug. Study author Professor Kevin Garey said: 'It's amazing how far humans travel during the day, and all that walking drags in germs and bugs.' Along with a team of res

Late-hour meals causes obesity?

Doctors and fitness experts say that unhealthy food eating habits may reduce the life span while giving more diseases.Dr. B. Ravishankar, Gastro specialist said, “The food should be consumed well before 8 pm for a healthy lifestyle. Many people working late in the nights have gastric problems. Late eating leads to putting on weight. In the past, our grandparents used to tell us that we should have dinner by 7 pm. Ant function would be winded up by that time. But these days, it is not only during marriages but the unhealthy habit covers almost every event.” He noted, “When we are physically active during day time the intestine is more active and the propelling of food into large intestine is faster. The small intestine is the organ which absorbs food when the propelling is faster it absorbs less calories but when the propelling is slower which happens in night than more calories are absorbed and that makes people put on weight.” Lateef Khan, a gym trainer said, “The three t

Good news caffeine lovers, drinking up to four coffees a day is NOT bad for your health

Drinking up to four cups of coffee a day carries no risk to health, according to new research. Scientists looked at more than 740 studies into the effects of caffeine on humans, all published between 2001 and 2015. They concluded that 400 mg of caffeine, equivalent to around four cups of filter coffee a day showed no adverse effects. This was also true for 300mg for pregnant women, around three cups, and 2.5mg per kilo for children and adolescents. A typical energy drink such as Red Bull, contains around 80mg of caffeine in a 250ml can. The study, published in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology, looked at five bad effects of caffeine on health: acute toxicity, bone/calcium, cardiovascular, behaviour, and reproductive and development. They concluded that as long as the 400mg limit was not breached there was no need to worry about consumption. This meant that more resources could go into those who were taking in too much of the stimulant. The researchers unde

Hormone therapy can lower risk of broken bones in postmenopausal women

Good news! A team of US researchers has found that postmenopausal women, who are at the highest genetic risk of bone fracture, can benefit the most from hormone therapy. The study included nearly 10,000 participants from the Women's Health Initiative (WHI), a national, long-term study of more than 1,50,000 women. They included more than 1,61,000 generally healthy postmenopausal women, aged 50 to 79. "We found that women who are genetically at the highest fracture risk can enjoy the greatest protection from fracture when they use hormone therapy," said lead researcher Heather Ochs-Balcom at the University at Buffalo. "This study provides a better understanding of who can benefit the most in terms of bone health from hormone therapy use," Ochs-Balcom said, adding that the results have implications for personalised medicine. The researchers investigated gene-hormone therapy interaction on fracture in postmenopausal white women and utilised the

Eye care must in front of computer

Early degeneration of optic nerve is found in people who are sitting for more than 8 to 10 hours in front of computer according to a recent study carried out in private medical college in Hyderabad. The study which was carried out on 150 people found that 58 males and 12 females had high intraocular pressure in the eyes in relation to the use of computers. Intraocular pressure is the fluid pressure inside the eye due to the presence of aqueous humor in the eye. The normal range of IOP is 10 to 20 mm of Hg and is maintained at this level throughout life in both the sexes. With constant use of computers it is found that the risk of rising IOP gradually causes damage to the optic nerve. The researchers found that cornea adapts to changing pressure slowly without swelling and there are no symptoms visible. In the study, it was found that the higher the usage of computers or mobile gadgets the damage to the optic nerve increases. This was because the eyes are constantly focusing

Dark chocolate good for skin, heart, memory as well as ageing

Dark chocolate has been bringing comfort to millions across the globe. There is no real excuse to treat yourself with a bar and enjoy its captivating taste. Not only is dark chocolate hit with chocolate lovers, chefs and bakers all across the globe, it has also gained popularity among health fanatics and experts. Now you have another reason to indulge in that bar and even take a bigger bite. Experts have linked dark chocolate consumption with a bevy of health benefits. Dark chocolate is believed to be good for skin, heart, memory as well as ageing. This treasure food, that dates back to 2000 BC, is trusted to have age-reversing properties. “Cocoa is rich in plant chemicals called flavanols that may help to protect the heart. Dark chocolate contains up to 2-3 times more flavanol-rich cocoa solids than milk chocolate,” Harvard T.H Chan, School of Public Health. Eating dark chocolate may protect your brain from age-related stress and inflammation that are thought to play an imp

Love Eating Figs? You Might Also Be Eating Insects!

Figs (anjeer) are often used in Indian sweets – from barfi and halwa to ice cream and kulfi. All of us love the delicious crunch in figs but maybe that’s not just the seeds, maybe there’s another reason for that crunch! Shockingly, scientists say that at least one insect has died in every single fig we eat; but why are these dead insects in our figs and do they actually make it to our dining table? Are There Really Dead Wasps In Figs? “Female fig wasps lay their eggs within the fig and then die inside the flower” The figs that we eat are actually dried up flowers but when they are still fresh on the plant, these fig flowers play host to an unusual tenant – fig wasps. Fig wasps look like bees and they even have stingers just like bees; and just like bees they help to pollinate plants so that they can reproduce. Why Do Wasps Enter Figs? “Figs and wasps have a symbiotic relationship, with both being essential to other’s survival: wasps help with pollination, while figs

Healthy Benefits of Caramel Popcorn?

One ounce of caramel popcorn contains 122 calories. About 90 of those calories come from carbohydrates, while about 27 come from fats. Just 4 calories come from protein. In comparison, 1 ounce of plain, air-popped popcorn contains 108 calories with one-third of the fat of caramel popcorn. Despite the added sugar, caramel popcorn still has fewer calories than fried snacks such as potato chips, which contain about 158 calories and nearly 11 grams of fat per ounce. Ever since the U.S. Department of Agriculture published the 2005 Dietary Guidelines to include more whole grains, Whole grains are just that — the “whole” grain, which includes three parts: the germ, the bran and the endosperm. The germ contains healthy oils, vitamin E, protein, many B vitamins and minerals. The bran houses most of the fiber found in whole grains, as well as B vitamins, minerals, protein and antioxidants. The endosperm is primarily composed of starch with some protein and some fiber. Popcorn is natur

How To Pick The Right Medicine For Allergy In Kids, Study Suggests

A new research by C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital, Michigan in USA has concluded that many parents struggle with choosing the right allergy medicine for their children. Dosing, labeling, and a seemingly endless array of options make right medicine picking more complicated, the research suggests. Parents will be searching to ease their children’s symptoms: With the summer season setting-in, and allergy kicks into high gear, many parents will be searching for ways to ease their children’s symptoms like sneezing, coughing and congestion. “Parents often face an overwhelming selection of allergy medicine without clear guidelines on how to choose the right one for their child,” says poll co-director and Mott pediatrician Gary Freed, M.D., M.P.H. “Some parents may be picking allergy medication based on their interpretation of different advice they’ve heard, which may not always be accurate.” 1 in every 5 parent not even checked expiry date From across the country, the research

Your genes decide what you eat?

Can’t stop munching on chocolates or other unhealthy snacks? Blame your DNA, say scientists who have identified gene variants that influence our foods choices and dietary habits. Researchers from Autonomous University of Madrid in Spain analysed the genetics of about 818 men and women of European ancestry and gathered information about their diet using a questionnaire. They found that the genes they studied did play a significant role in a person’s food choices and dietary habits. For example, higher chocolate intake and a larger waist size was linked to certain forms of the oxytocin receptor gene, and an obesity-associated gene played a role in vegetable and fibre intake, researchers said. They also observed that certain genes were involved in salt and fat intake. “Most people have a hard time modifying their dietary habits, even if they know it is in their best interest,” said Silvia Berciano from Autonomous University of Madrid. “This is because our food preferen

Insomnia is the most searched for symptom in the UK, with 74,000 monthly searches into 'Dr Google' to help Britons self-diagnose their sleepless nights

Insomnia is the most searched for symptom in so-called 'Dr Google.' The condition racks up an average of 74,000 searches into the site each month. In fact, nine out of 10 of the UK's largest towns Google insomnia more than any other symptom. Leeds appears to be the least worried about getting enough shut eye, with diarrhoea being its most searched for health term. Overall, diarrhoea is the second most commonly searched symptom, amassing a total of 49,500 Googles a month. Sore throats has 40,500 monthly searches. Insomnia is the most Googled symptom, with 74,000 searches each month in the UK The online pharmacy company, Pharmacy2U, conducted a study into 28 common health symptoms in the UK. Is Your Doctor Googling You? Around 16 per cent of doctors look up their patients online. According to an Australian study of 187 doctors. Some doctors claim this helps them to discover more information about the patient's condition so they can better treat th

Amazing benefits castor oil for skin and hair

Are you planning to get bouncy hair and flawless skin the natural way? Are you a strict follower of home remedies for skin and hair treatments? If this is so, then you have a great product to treat your skin and hair ailments and get rewarded with healthy glowing skin and hair. The thick yellow readily available castor oil is that medicine that can treat your skin and problems in the most affordable and natural way. Here is why you should use the age old castor oil to get beautiful in a simple way. Promotes hair growth: Castor oil is rich in Vitamin E, Omega-6 fatty acids, and proteins. Massage lukewarm castor oil on scalp and hair strands to enhance blood circulation in the scalp area and faster hair growth. For best results, mix castor oil with coconut oil, meethi seeds, and olive oil. Leave it overnight and apply the mixture twice a week to see the wonder. Proper application of castor oil also encourage new hair growth. Fights scalp infection: Castor oil has anti-bac

The Real Reason Why We All Crave ‘Comfort Foods’ When We’re Stressed & Depressed

If there is a universal panacea for all that ails us – ice cream would be it! When we were kids, ice cream helped to heal scraped knees and even though we are all grown up now, our favorite comfort foods still have the power to heal a broken heart or simply help us recover from a long workday. But what is it about comfort foods that makes them so damn comforting? Why Comfort Foods Console Us “If you are stressed out or depressed for a lengthy period, your body produces a hormone called cortisol that increases appetite & causes intense food cravings” Stress is an evolutionary response that prepares your body for ‘fight or flight’. When you are stressed for a brief period, your appetite is suppressed, but if you remain stressed out, the process goes into reverse and your body produces a hormone called cortisol that increases appetite instead. Depression and stress have similar effects on the body, which is why either one of these can trigger your food cravings. But

Gene associated to unexplained female infertility recognized

Scientists have not yet been able to recognize the cause of the problem in an expected 10 to 15 per cent of couples with infertility and 50 per cent of women with recurring pregnancy loss. The study revealed that women who lacked the gene called Nlrp2 had a spectrum of negative reproductive outcomes counting recurrent loss of pregnancies with abnormally developing placentas, loss of the embryo previous to implantation, or, more seldom, having a baby with developmental disabilities. The investigators conveyed that when male mice lacked the gene, there was no impact on fertility or offspring. Lead author Sangeetha Mahadevan, a postdoctoral fellow at Baylor College of Medicine in Texas, US has also conveyed that, women carrying these mutations are healthy in all other physical aspects, so they are unaware that they have these mutations that do not permit them to carry a pregnancy. When the females lacking the Nlrp2 gene mated, three diverse types of outcomes were observed — so

Here Is Why Pudina Is Being Used For Hundreds Of Years For Medicinal Purpose

The popular herb pudina has several benefits which include proper digestion and weight loss, relief from nausea, depression, fatigue and headache, treatment of asthma, memory loss, and skin care problems. It is a herb that has been used for hundreds of years for its remarkable medicinal properties. Since it has germicidal qualities, it quickly freshens breath. It also has therapeutic values According to JLN Sastry, Head of Healthcare Research, Dabur Research and Development, and Parameshwar Arora, Senior Ayurveda Consultant, Sir Gangaram Hospital, Delhi, mint leaves have scores of benefits and it is one of those herbs which not only has general benefits but also has therapeutic values. - The inflammation and temperature rise is often associated with headaches and migraines but this herb, which is a naturally soothing substance can alleviate the symptoms. - Consuming pudina is also an effective remedy in bloating, abdomen pains, nausea or vomiting on empty stomach or aft

Holding In Your Pee May Be Handy, But Here’s All The Damage It Can Do!

After years of practice, you now excel at the “I gotta go pee” dance! Yup, all of us have had to hold it in at some point or the other, but for some of us it becomes a habit. This is especially true for women, who get used to holding it in, as unlike the typical Indian male, they do not view the world around as a public urinal. Unfortunately, there is a downside to this civic sense. Most men and women who fight the urge to pee in public often end up holding it in on a regular basis, even when unnecessary. But what most of us never think about is whether this habit can cause any health problems. What Are The Health Risks Of Holding In Your Pee? “Holding in your pee can cause a urinary tract infection, kidney stones, & even permanent kidney damage” The average bladder can hold about half a liter of liquid, but holding in your urine on a regular basis can cause your bladder to stretch. There is a feedback mechanism in your bladder that sends the signal to your brain to