10 Benefits of Avocado Oil

Avocado is high in healthy fats. About 77% of avocado is oil. Avocado oil is used to keep hormones in check. It also enhances circulatory functions of the body. It is packed with lecithin, amino acid, and Vitamins A, B, D and E and minerals like iron, copper, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. Avocado contains fibre, proteins, and phytochemicals like beta-sitosterol, glutathione, and lutein. There are enormous beauty and health benefits of avocado oil.

Avocado oil contains a very essential monounsaturated oleic acid. Oleic acid is useful in preventing many diseases, like microbial infection, auto-immune disease, cancer; inflammations. Oleic acid can also decrease the risk of diabetes. It is also good for blood circulation. It doesn’t go rancid, like other oil because of its oleic acid content. It may also be used as cooking oil and cooking at high temperature like frying without losing on its benefits.

To put it in simple words Avocado oil is full of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, which is healthy body’s requirement.

1. Avocado oil is packed with Vitamin E:

Avocado oil is an excellent source of vitamin E. This is known for enhancing eye and skin health. It fights with free radicals and provides protection against damage to cells, and boosts the immune system. It also improves memory and functioning of the digestive tract. You should introduce this oil in your diet because vitamin E is absorbed by our body faster from the food we eat, then vitamin E supplements.

2. Avocado oil for detoxification plan:

To keep our body in proper shape and working condition, detoxification is required from time to time. Liver; critical organ of our body is overworked by our faulty eating habits and pollution.

Avocado oil contains chlorophyll, which is full of minerals like magnesium. Magnesium is very useful when you want to clean your body of hazardous substance like mercury and lead.

Therefore, this oil is a healthy option to detoxify your body.

3. Avocado oil for digestion:

Avocado oil contains healthy fatty acid, vitamins, and minerals which promote the absorption of food efficiently. Otherwise, little absorption brings lot many digestive problems like flatulence, gas, feel bloated, joint pain, etc. and also many times you feel lethargic and tired. Consuming this oil can solve the digestion issues in the long run.

4. Avocado oil for skin health:

When you apply the oil, it increases the collagen production which aids in keeping skin firm and pink. It acts as a moisturizer, and it gives relief to the itchy and dry skin. Avocado oil for skin is full of so many nutrients like vitamins, minerals especially vitamin E which help in keeping skin glowing and nourished. The oil is also used in the treatment of eczema and psoriasis.

5. Avocado oil for weight loss:

Avocado oil is rich sources of oleic acid that may be useful lose weight. Avocado is thick in consistency and is also full of nutrients, so when you use avocado in your diet, it keeps you full for a longer duration and also helps indigestion. In the process, you fill more energetic and indulge in some physical activity even that aids in weight loss.

6. Avocado oil for healthy hair:

There are numerous benefits of avocado oil for hair problem. Because of its content of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins, it is healthy for hair. It improves the structure of hair helping in the healthy growth of hair. It contributes to tame frizzy hair. It deeply conditions your hair. It moisturizes and nourishes hair. It prevents hair loss. It treats dandruff and many other hair related issues.

7. Avocado oil for sturdy nails:

Avocado oil has many nutrients due to which it helps in making nails strong and sturdy. Just dab the oil on nails and cuticles and massage every day. After few days you will see your nails have grown healthier.

8. Avocado oil for wound healing:

Avocado oil can accelerate the process of healing because of its healing properties. The oil can heal any wound be it sunburn, stings, rashes, cuts, blisters, etc. Apply it on affected area till it heals.

9. Avocado oil to prevent heart diseases:

Avocado oil contains beta-sitosterol cholesterol that our body changes from harmful fats to the healthy fats which curb the cell damage. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it stops arterial damage in the process, and it decreases heart diseases.

10. Avocado oil for bad breath:

Bad breath is a very embarrassing problem; bad breath is actually due to stomach problems. Incorporate avocado oil in your diet, it will cleanse your intestine and will kill the microbes which are responsible for bad breath.


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