Unusual Side Effects Of Drinking Too Much Water

The sodium content in the blood influences the functioning of the electrolytes. These electrolytes are responsible for sending signals to the cells which control various operations of the body. When you consume too much water, the sodium levels in the blood decrease. This stops the electrolytes from sending signals to the cells. Overburdens The Heart: The heart performs the vital function of pumping blood through your entire body. When you consume too much of water, this increases the volume of blood inside your body. The increased blood volume causes unnecessary pressure on the blood vessels and the heart, leading to seizure in some cases. Causes Damage To Glomeruli: Glomeruli are capillary beds in our kidneys. They work as a filtering station to excrete excess water from the body. Too much of water can cause potential damage to this system, leading to serious health hazards. The kidneys have to work overtime to process all this unnecessary water that is beyond their n...